J Squiggles

A Chipotle burrito... the best 'recovery food and it's packed with carbs!

Does anyone know of a widget that would display all running processes like Activity Monitor?

Wow thanks for this article. Between the webapp/Google Music widget and the keyboard shortcut widget I may actually find the dashboard more useful than just using it for iStat.

Well if you are worried about bolt shear strength you could use some 3/4" ASTM A490 high strength structural bolts. The allowable bolt strength in single-plane shear applications is ~13,250 lbs. and ~26,500 lbs. in double-plane shear applications. If you are imparting these kinds of forces on the frame I think you'll

I am not a mechanical engineer nor do I have any experience with motorcycles but my initial thought about this conversion is that I would be cautious. By removing the shocks/suspension and replacing with struts you are putting additional forces on the frame that it was not initially designed for. Previously those

A better term may have been 'pillow protector'. They go on over your pillow before you put on the pillow case that came with your bed sheets.

What is so ugly about 'big' speakers?

Why yes you can! I answered my own question.

Is there a way to migrate all of my saved passwords from LastPass to Dashlane such as importing a CSV file or something of the like?

In that case he should have it alert him of every single red light, not just the ones with cameras, if he needs a reminder that you're supposed to stop when the light is red.

I have never understood the detest that some people have for Starbucks. I still receive the best service at Starbucks compared to other coffee shops in the Milwaukee area.

Strange. Two different videos both about alternative methods to making ice cream, both posted on Lifehacker less than 24 hours apart. Ha, are you Lifehacker writers trying to brainwash us here or something!

Whoa! Thanks for the tip. I never knew that.

In my multiple years of training for cycling/racing I've learned that relying on heart rate alone is very tough. Too many factors can influence your heart rate such as the time of day, caffeine intake, stress, weather. It helps to have another variable to measure your heart rate against such as power/effort (watts or

Most of the grocery stores I frequent will butcher a pineapple for you if you ask them.

This may help you figure out when to nap.

Vote: wunderground.com

Would you mind sharing your theme please? I like it. Also, how did you get the bookmark bar at the top of the new tab page?

It would be neat to have a Lifehacker article that features readers' custom Chrome themes, similar to the custom desktop or home screen articles. I thrive off of other people's creativity since I'm an engineer/square.

I am wondering the same thing. I would like to change mine from FB to a Google account. So far I have not figured out how to un-link and then re-link. It appears right now that I have two LH/Gawker accounts, one with the FB account that I want to un-link, and one with the Google account that I want to link my original