J Squiggles

Mac users, do you use Chrome or Safari as your main browser? I primarily use Chrome but find myself playing around with Safari quite often since I got a Mac about a month ago.

Here is one of my favorites where I actually managed to take, what I think is at least, a good picture.

Regarding the link to the previous Lifehacker article on how to speed up a sluggish Android device, is LauncherPro still the recommended alternative homescreen launcher if you're not rooted? It hasn't been updated in a long time.

Man I see all of these awesome homescreens and computer desktops and would almost pay to have someone do it for me if they would look like this a few others in the past. Awesome work here.

iPhoto question(s):

Thanks for all of the tips everyone! I'm already using BTT and loving it. I just tried Tuxera NTFS and that worked seamless as well on the first try. I do have one last question regarding scrolling. I like the 'natural' scrolling direction of the trackpad but I can't seem to find a way to separate the scroll direction

Thanks, Jord. I am so hooked on the multi-gesture trackpad that I want a mouse that has similar capabilites now! I actually just downloaded BetterTouchTool this morning so I could set up a 3-finger click to act as a middle-click in Chrome on the trackpad. I love it and the window snapping portion too.

I just bought my first ever Mac last weekend, a 13" Macbook Air. I'll take any and all advice, tips, tricks, etc. I'm already lost in the slew of new keyboard shortcuts to learn and differences coming from Windows 7.

Is this any different than the 'multiple profiles' you can enable in the stable version of Chrome when you go to chrome://flags?

I'm having the same exact issue but haven't been able to figure it out either yet.

That's Poutine, a dish that supposedly originated in Canada. Not suprisingly, the general populace here in Milwaukee loves it.

I am in the same boat as you. I need to gain weight since I'm very underweight. I had an official nutrition assessment with a registered dietician last week. Basically, just follow the advice one typically gets when trying to lose weight: eat many meals spaced throughout the day but instead of them being small they

After any kind of bad or stressful day I find coming home and cleaning helps. It gets my mind off of whatever happened earlier and when I'm done I feel like I accomplished something, even though it may be small, which lifts my spirits at least a little.

Wow, this is a neat little feature I never knew about. For what it's worth, I discovered it also exists in Windows Vista, at least in Vista Ultimate.

Has anyone found a solution to the back button problem in Google Chrome? Whenever I go back to the previous webpage it always reverts to the top of the page instead of at the point in the page I was last viewing.

@Bertone77: I am doing smaller, cheaper, but more personal gifts this year like printing out family pictures taken during the year and framing them for the parents. I can't afford much either since I don't have a job!