“That last one is pretty much happened with the end of the 11th Doctor’s arc where for some reason he didn’t fall as what would have needed to happen for Name of the Doctor’s events to have happened.”
“That last one is pretty much happened with the end of the 11th Doctor’s arc where for some reason he didn’t fall as what would have needed to happen for Name of the Doctor’s events to have happened.”
About Deke’s parentage.... This is just a wild theory, mind you, but the name Shaw did ring a bell so here goes.... With Simmons both being portrayed by Elizabeth Henstridge and being a Whovian, could she have changed her name to Liz Shaw?
I think of Doctor Who , as it’s both the Life / Relationship Motto of Amy Pond and Rory Williams, as well as their mutual musical theme. Which is absolutely beautiful, by the way, if you haven’t heard it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Gam8ogWBLk
Personally, I mainly want to see Jemma react to a picture of Killgrave.....
I also found it incredibly odd we didn’t get a reveal on the Testimony thing.
For the same reason that this show is a much better live-action TV Inhumans adaptation than, you know.... Marvel’s Inhumans. That’s just what they do over on (Marvel’s) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Actually, the reaction shot of Daisy you’re probably thinking of was right after Fitz removed his mask, but before he removed his scarf / bandana / whatever.
I’m considering the notion that Daisy Quake’d the Earth apart as nothing more than a Leading Hypothesis at this point. I’m going to wait until we’re a little further into the Season and we’ve gotten a little more information on how Daisy was supposed to have pulled that off when she has never shown anything even…
YAASSSS on Siede, Shoemaker, von Doviak and Sava doing a Review of the entire thing together.
The fact that the “Previously On” segment of Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3 actually wasn’t “Previously on The Flash, Supergirl and Arrow” but instead “Previously on Crisis on Earth-X” should have been enough to inform you that this Episode was never meant as an Episode of The Flash, just like the main storyline of big DC…
Just a suggestion: do with this as you please and as works for y’all.
Speaking of Future(cest)....
So, it’s been almost 3 years since this discussion took place, but your ‘arguments’ are so ridiculous that I still felt the need to comment here. Maybe it’s for future readers more than you, depending on whether you’ll still be reading this.....
Anyone else have the suspicion, based on the fact that our Flash didn’t actually come out of a portal created by the Speed Force Bazooka, that this actually isn’t the Barry that got imprisoned in the Speed Force? And that, thus, the “real” Barry is still in there? It’s also based on all the comments “new Barry” made…
All the threads got doubled...... Wonder how that happened?
Since you know who Carl is, you probably already know this.... But for those who don’t: well, since Carl has stated repeatedly that he won’t be sinking the months and months of practice required into beating this monster due to wanting to play other levels / games and being very active in Virology / Genetics research,…
Having watched Failstream’s Twitch stream a few times, one of the things I’ve heard him say is that anyone that’s going to attempt to beat the level, will almost certainly be watching the video of Fail beating it. Or, you know, they will have watched his attempts from February of this year onward, which serves the…
@Dirk Durka
I have actually gone ahead and read every single one of your comments in this comment section, and yes, that includes the “pending approval” ones.