The Accords were made out of fear and politicians jockeying for power. Which led to things like massive submersible black site prison complexes for powered people no matter what their abilities were.
The Accords were made out of fear and politicians jockeying for power. Which led to things like massive submersible black site prison complexes for powered people no matter what their abilities were.
I can identify that goose. It's the one with the knife.
Once they realized their mistake they arrested her and charged her with resisting arrest and obstruction of justice, searched her car, and looked into her past for any criminal history.
And now she has learned a valuable lesson, the police’s desire to help is highly conditional on them seeing you as “one of the good ones” and as soon as they think you aren’t, they will kill you in a heartbeat with a smile on their lips and a song in their heart. ACAB.
Reading this comment thread it’s obvious who has and hasn’t read She Hulk comics.
My bet is it will be some version of the Mad Thinker, just because that will give us Awesome Android and we will be one step closer to him being Jen’s admin assistant
Breaking News: TV Show About Woman Written By Woman Fails To Satisfy Man
There had also better be some way to include Vanessa. I needs me some more Morena Baccarin.
As long as I get a scene with Deadpool questioning Cable -assuming he’s in it- about why he looks so similar to Thanos, I’ll be happy.
When reached for comment, the train responded that the patrol car was resisting arrest.
So she’s Mephisto, right?
Law and Order: Special Dimensions Unit
I felt like Madisynn was a spin on the character that Cecily Strong has honed on SNL, ‘The Girl You Wish You Hadn’t Started A Conversation With’. Very funny in BOTH cases!
Big fan of the series, definitely loved the 1st two episodes more than this one for overall flow. The writing was clunky, tried to hard, a bit too stock and didn’t really pop for me, subjectively. TOO much sitcom, a few too many 4th-walls.
They’ve been spending most their lives living in a horders paradise...
All I did was make a Venn diagram and next thing I know HR needs to meet with me!
The whole site will be a slideshow with a slide for each new article
Lorne’s replacement should be Tina Fey but only if NBC hires Alec Baldwin as her boss.
But I would miss the AVClub’s stock headlines for each episode: “[Insert celebrity name] Isn’t Enough to Save a Middling SNL.”