Jade Sharp

Well, Cooter means war too.

They've played a lot in Arkansas where I'm from and they're actually bad ass. In fact, they're Swamp Buggy Badass.

They only kill that clone. Then, when they're approved for a new series, a new clone is activated having no memory of their previous failure. Unfortunately, there is a little degradation from one clone to the next which is why you might have noticed Will Arnett has only four fingers.

Cristela was promising?

The thing that's amazing about them is that considering how much they've put out, one would think they would accidentally stumble upon making something decent, but that has still yet to happen to this very day. The closest they've come is the song about Magnets.

Thank you. I will dedicate at least an hour of my day to this bullshit.

Or Obummer. Damn libtards.

I just discovered that there's a decent-sized group of conspiracy theorists that believe the Earth is flat and the round Earth is a giant lie. At first, I thought it was someone's parody of truthers, but sadly it's not.

I thought this episode was great. It's been one of my favorites so far from this season. The fact that I love shitty movies might also have a lot to do with my favorable opinion.

He did have a tendency to speak his mind. That got him into some trouble. I also believe he ended up coaching the Arkansas Rim Rockers, Little Rock's ABA team.

I saw Terminator 3 in theaters and still ignored Terminator 3.

Didn't one of the Raptors end up banging his wife?

Don't be a prude. By saying "these movies," I assume you're saying the first movie is atrocious. If that's the case, then you do not like fun, sir! If you're referring to the sequels, then I retract what I said and say, "yes, they're atrocious."

I'm from Arkansas and I'll go ahead and say it's all about the pick and roll and some excellent 3-point shooters. Also, Nolan Richardson is a god among men.

Yahooscreens is terrible.

Took his face off with a spinning motorcycle tire.

I found a twitter that I'm pretty sure is this Nick Shore's twitter account. It proves that Nick Shore is the worst.

Nick Shore, you're the worst!

"Bill Crosby is a good man," says that lady from Donnie Darko.