Jade Sharp

I like my violence in the cinema (just not like the Dark Knight incident). I like my films bloody and full of sex. Tarantino is always going to be critiqued like this. Derivative this. Violence that. I like "smart shit," but if I had to watch Charlie Kaufman or French New Wave movies everyday, I'd find myself so

I guess no one has heard Gangsta Nip's Horror Movie Rap.

What can they do? Repossess your brain? Not yet. Not until the Illuminati finishes their sandwich. They've been eating that sandwich for centuries. I mean, look at that sandwich! It's huge and crafted by Nephillum. Quit your job!

It wouldn't surprise me if Whedon's success didn't have something to do with Gunn getting the gig as he is a hard-working, fanboy filmmaker. I mean Scooby Doo was what got him out of Troma. He merely worked on those and Dawn of the Dead as a screenwriter. Slither was technically his debut feature and as a debut horror

He started out at Troma so good for him.

It's not just a fight with Bosh, but the entire Miami Heat. I mean, the link gives plenty of reason not to associate your brand with Weezy or whatever.

You mean why couldn't they just play it straight?

I agree. Craven didn't hit his stride until Nightmare.

That's definitely his best work to date. I wouldn't mind seeing him do a Punisher movie, but that's just silly wishful thinking.

Pirahna 3D?

H.P. Lovecraft?

It's incredibly awful. I liked pop-punk growing up so thought I'd trace the roots, only to find the shittiest music ever. It's hard to call that jarbled mess music but maybe I just don't "get it" with my "ears."

I don't know. How much utter crap do you listen to on a daily basis? That being said, I knew a guy from Evanescence and he was a good chap.

I agree. For the time, Sublime was sort of fun and a lot of people that I knew,myself included, that liked them liked metal and shit like Alice In Chains. While I feel that "What I Got" is a song I never want to hear again, it's not a song I loathe. There were a lot of songs I thought were fucking dumb when I was a

Had me at Ratner, then had me again at Dwayne Johnson. Sure, ROC's had his moments but the idea of a Ratner/Johnson collabo is just a bad idea. However,I'm sure he'll let him throw tons of wrestling moves in there as he snorts cocaine off of those X-Men comics he should have been reading years ago. X3 Never forget.

Guillermo Del Toro would make a great Dr. Strange movie, but the Sinister director has it.