
for sure but the call is deeeeeeply coming from inside the house in a way that makes me stop and say... why

I normally enjoy reading Angry Asian Man, but I don't feel like he understood who the butt of the joke of that poem is supposed to be. When I first read that poem I was 95% certain it was mocking the practice of white urbanites/hipster/foodie types Columbusing ethnic cuisines to feel culturally superior. I feel like

Which one has the cartoons I don’t understand?

Pssst, the New Yorker and the New York Times are two totally different publications.

Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.

I believe Malala Yusafsai was entirely correct when she told Obama that investing in education for girls would have been far more of an efficient method of combating terrorism than the drone program, or the support of rival fighter groups. Preventative or restorative investments in civil society and infrastructure are

“As someone completely removed from the context of the issue, I see nothing wrong with it.”

But it was the time for all his players to write his number on their wrists and shit? So right before the big game ISN’T the time to get his team under control?

That is very different from what I would expect of a coach.

So maybe he could have said, “I’m focusing on this game right now”? Or later? “I didn’t mean to sound callous and uncaring. I do take it very seriously. My responsibility as a coach is to focus on basketball now and let the experts deal with everything else.” Not “I don’t care about that” followed by “I was taken out

I'm not asking for 100% perfection, I'm asking for less than 99% awful.

Not at ALL. I read the whole article yesterday. The additional quotation only confirms how fucked up that coach is.

It is obnoxious.

I actually kind of thought that bit was the most brilliant because he set it up like it might be a more benign knee-slapper and then he hit them with some raw-ass truth. “Grandma’s swinging from a tree”?? I thought it was a magnificent bait-and-switch because all of the sudden you could hear the whole crowd figure out

While I agree that human and financial resources may be better spent elsewhere in the medical field, I take exception to the suggestion that “boob cancer” is trivial.

Someone please make this horror movie right now, where the anti-abortion activist wakes up with a new uterus AND pregnant, after a night spent harassing women in bars.

Finally we can give Republican men the ability to carry out their dreams of carrying all the fetuses to term. I can’t wait! I want this to be a requirement for every man who is anti-abortion.

Didn’t John Dickerson try to fact check during the debate and he got boo’ed by the audience and the candidates were like “lalalalalala” with their fingers in their ears?

Here’s the thing, journalists could actually do their damn job and fact check republicans when they make claims that there is no precedent that a president in his last year in office gets to nominate a supreme court candidate, instead of asking the question like it’s a legitimate idea. I am sick and tired of

“Your job doesn’t stop until you’re voted out, or until your term expires,” Obama said of the Senate,

Seems like their list could kind of apply to us and our actions. That or just about any group at war.