
Anytime an adult with access to a weapon jokes like this, it should be treated like a real threat. Eventually the message will get through and his kind will have to find another way to get their kicks. I hope they make an example of these two.

Fuck. Them. If I ran the world: Dishonorable discharge, jail time for making a terroristic threat, immediately take their weapon AND they are now forbidden from ever owning a gun again. Fuck this shit. We need to take America back from violent, ignorant morons like this. They are what is wrong with this country. And

Maybe they mean it as a threat, “vote for hrc or you won’t have a chance to see a woman president in your lifetime bc we will kill you.”

Um what is hard about growing up with a mom who is already wealthy in her own right and just inherited 50 million,some of which will obviously go to support the child? And knowing that basical)y you can screw up till your 25 and still end up a millionaire? The kid’s gonna be alright financially at least until she is

The son is in his 30s or 40s now, so it makes ssense that he doesn’t need to wait. Plus he’s not being supported by his millionaire mom (and she’s prob not a millionaire- since she’s not iman) as the minor daughter is.

The son is like, in his 30s or 40s now, so dB prob knew he’d be fine with the money. I am sure his daughter will want for nothing u til she’s 25. And is free to make all the money she wants at 18. Or do nothi ng and wait to get a nice big load at 25. Either way, sounds like she will be just fine. No one who loves

Wrong. Counter-factual. Incorrect. Nope. No matter how many times you and your ilk say that, reality proves you wrong.

Thanks for hanging in there as long as you did.

Not by their opposite sex intimate partners. Try to keep up, dude.

I am in your situation. I found that when it comes to the kids, though, most go with husband’s last name. A few alternate : girls get mom’s last name, boys get dad’s. Mine have my husband’s last name and my kids ask a few times a year why I don’t have the same last name as the rest of the family- i aasume as th3y grt

You make a lot of good points and as a life-long dog lover, I agree. I would point out one difference between losing a pet and losing a chuld- life-span expectations. In the natural order of things and on a conscious and subconscious level, us dog lovers have to know that even the best-cared for, healthiest dog will

Nope. The law was not pushed by people arguing that an embryo or fetus is a separate person, but by people who acknowledge that pregnancy has a physical impact on women, even in the earliest stages, and therefore women who are pregnant deserve special consideration, in this case, they are insisting that correctional