That’s what I reckoned. Yes, but did you know there is some downright DISTURBING (Not that this isn’t)stuff DELIBERATELY hidden in some (notably older) video games? Like Sonic CD... Be sure to watch the whole thing, btw...
That’s what I reckoned. Yes, but did you know there is some downright DISTURBING (Not that this isn’t)stuff DELIBERATELY hidden in some (notably older) video games? Like Sonic CD... Be sure to watch the whole thing, btw...
Ikr ?
ROM stands for read-only memory. By that logic, ALL video games are “essentially pirated copies”. No, if you own the game, it’s legal. Or at least, it’s not simply 0 or a 1. From what I’ve gathered, it’s more murky than that. And from what I understand, if you’ve paid full price for the game, it’s your right to…
Did I spell pastime right? Whoops! :p
And believe me, Mario Maker’s concept is not even new: On the contrary, people have been making Mario fan games and hacks since the late 90’s! Oh, and btw the hackers do it just as a pasttime.
Are you completely ignorant of fair use laws? Or are you even aware that 95% of smw hackers do it -solely- for fun, as a hobby? A passion for the game they love? Believe me, it’s far from being “inherently illegal”. The entirety of smwcentral is -against- making ANY kind of monetary gain off of ANY of it; you can’t…
Not that most are even expecting revenue... They just do it for fun. It’s a hobby.
Ever heard of “fair use”? No? Didn’t think so...
That’s pretty bad logic...
Um, like Kuili J8i9 said, people are technically (and legally) inclined to have the ROM(Read-only memory format file) on their computer, if they bought the same game before. And as long as they don’t make any profit off of it, they have every right to record themselves playing it, even if they edited the game! I don’t…