
haters gonna hate


Well I may need you to adopt me because I’m certainly not ANYONE’S favorite cousin anymore.

Kaepernick in fact later clarified to express his high regard for vets and active military, including current serving members of his family. I still have (I guess?) a sliver of hope that maybe once this fake ass ‘disrespected

I did the same. I hope no one showed my grandma.

damn you i laughed out loud

ohhhh my god that is it.

My own Facebook rant led to a 29-comment battle with my Vietnam vet uncle and a college roommate whose husband is in the army. Then yesterday when I went to my parents’ house, my mom told me how ugly and selfish the things I said were ( I may have mentioned that I don’t feel any sort of emotion for a fucking flag or a

I was a substitute teacher one year and I can confirm that middle school age kids are actually the worst people on the planet. It’s science.

Because you’re being a fucking jerk. But you already knew that. Back off.

“dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb”

have you seen the South Park episode about Joseph Smith? It’s amazing

yeah, sorry Paper, distant second.

Gross. Dammit, Emma. I didn’t even know they dated. I just saw this linked article and i was all “awww i wonder if they met on set thats so cute”. But that is not cute at all. Cut the cord, Evan. Then call me.

thank you for making me feel better about my own life today.

I still really, strongly object to Billy freaking Bush on the TODAY SHOW. How did we let this happen?!

Did she actually assault him?? I had no clue about this and need to know. Do tell.

As a pregnant lady in Virginia (that’s contiguous to Maryland, y’all), I am trying to keep my cool here. Mostly it’s been too fucking hot to be outside much since July anyway, but you try telling that to a 3 year old. I use bug spray aggressively and have gotten several bug bites and not freaked out much, but come on.

Agreed on all points though I’d say this current presidential election is the least sexy one of my existence thus far. Which is saying something considering the first vote I ever cast was for John Homely-Ass Kerry.

I don’t think so. It was Feb 2009 when the assault happened

Yeah i dont have a specific bug phobia, just generalized anxiety disorder, and I can barely stand to think about that. Just being trapped in a train car for a half hour would do it for me, no bugs necessary.