
So instead you'll vote for crooks and racists? I think you're misunderstanding me. I'm not voting for Clinton because she is a democrat. I'm voting for her because she likely won't enact the harmful policies her likely opponents will. I don't vote based on parties, it just so happen that a majority of Democrats (at

"We have a few years thoush, so maybe Elizabeth Warren will surprise us."

Clinton/Warren 2016. I would just DIE.

I don't think Hillary Clinton should have pulled that bs in court, but I think it's strange that the woman's life course is being attributed to Hillary's actions. Her fear of men and emotional problems were *likely* caused by the rape itself, not by Hillary's arguments.

I've said this several times on other posts, I'm going to vote for Hillary but I won't be happy about it. If only Elizabeth Warren were running, if only.

I wonder what the best legal defense of accused rapists is that *doesn't* involve smearing the victim.

George Clooney was at your family reunion, Kentucky cousin. Stop complaining and start angling for that Lake Cuomo house-sitting job.

I love Broad City. It's what "Girls" could have been if Lena wasn't so lame.

"He explained that she's a lawyer and apparently she's across the sea somewhere working on a case, off saving the world. It was a shame because I would have liked to have met her."

Never thought I'd ever be grateful for Rick Astley but here I am...

The actual prolapse doesn't just happen and actresses have to train to get the bud to occur when they want. To be able to rosebud effectively, actresses need to have prolonged sessions with multiple massive objects so that their rectal walls become loose and easy to push right out. Training might also include sleeping

Let us pray. Oh lord...

I was just about to post about that duet. She was phenomenal — a performer that actually could keep up with him. And he was just tickled by her jazz stylings, you can tell in his voice.

I don't think she is secretly a feminist, she seems like a pretty strong, girls first, self-assured chick. Feminists can be romantics, right?

Between this and having whiskey sours with Ina in yesterday's dirt bag, it's almost like Taylor Swift is on a one woman campaign to make me like her or something.

I did that. I got a phone call from my Mom. Totally didn't strap him in.

Actual verbatim gchat conversation that happened at 3:30 AM EST: