
No. The rest of the game takes place 200 years later. The robot also clearly identifies you as the dad and your character believes it’s only been days/weeks after the blast.

Also, at one point during the pteradon rampage we see a guy grab his alcohol before running away. At first that seems terrible until you remember how much novelty cups and alcohol can cost at theme parks. Then you realize it the prudent decision.

Also she apparently mentions getting married soon while on the phone?

I skimmed this to keep me as free as possible from preconceptions, but I really don’t see the problem of Malcolm hitting on Ellie. I mean, I would see a problem if the movie wanted us to see Malcolm’s behavior as perfectly okay, but it doesn’t. It is presented as a bit pathetic - Ellie laughs at him and Grant give him

OH MY GOD THIS. I can enjoy an elaborate on-screen death as much as the next person, but in a fun summer family movie, like, maybe reserve the most horrific torture-deaths for the jerk characters who deserve it instead of the hapless-but-kind side characters???

Ugh I felt a bit sick when she was being pulled in and out of the water, unable to get away. I have had that feeling before and it isn’t fun. Much less with a dinosaur trying to eat you. I would say getting eaten by the Moasaur was a merciful death considering but it swallowed her whole. How long would she suffer in

What - the - fuck did British Assistant Girl do to deserve this???

Yeah, I felt the assistant dying in such a vicious and drawn out manner was horrible. As you say the dickhead lawyer deserved to die horribly for what he did in the first film, but she did nothing and became a gruesome punchline. It reminded me of the thing I hated most about JPII, when the poor schumck working the

Considering how smart they made the I. Rex, my guess is she rampaged cause she was angry at being a genetically engineered slave. Offer her a paycheck, 401k, and health care and she would have calmed.

Unless RDJ has a surprise cameo in AntMan, these posters are a shade misleading - no?

Just saw the movie, and Bryce Dallas Howard’s role is one of the worst—she tries to be John Hammond in the first half and Ellie Satler in the second half, but fails as both. The worst, however, is that teenager who plays Bryce Dallas Howard’s nephew—he needs more acting lessons as he had this vacuous expression

“...I very sincerely was looking to make a real badass action heroine who doesn’t surrender her femininity in the process of being a badass action heroine.”

How narrow a definition of “femininity” do you have to have in order to think that the feminine female femme musn’t wear flats/boots while running from a T. rex?


I have a feeling he actually is the protagonist, but they are doing a little minor retro-writing, in the hopes of dealing with those first reviews, which were, “Oh look. It’s sexist.”

Weird teaser, as though anthropomorphic animals wasn’t a concept every person on the planet was familiar with. But, if they’re going all the way with it. I’ll be fascinated to see how they handle carnivores.

Why, because there is an anthropomorphic fox that is a cunning, charming con man and thief? That goes all the wayback to at least Ancient Greece, specificaly Aesop’s fable of The Fox and the Crow. The fox cons the crow into giving up his cheese through flattery.

I feel bad for the character designers. Millions of species but they still have to do the ol’ Fox and Rabbit designs. Even if it’s a Cat and Dog, at least there’s breed variety they can toy with. Here there’s zero chance of creativity beyond ‘give it toy appeal’ and ‘don’t make it look too much like X’s fox character’

A sly fox...what a unique, brilliant way to anthropomorphize this often overlooked animal. I’ve certainly never seen anything like this in animation.

I hope its good! I like the idea.

I had to chuckle; my buddy (an animator at Disney) told me last night, “The Furries are going to go berserk on Thursday when the teaser drops.”

I think it really fits the character.