
I don’t see what there is to be worried about. It looks fantastic. I feel everyone who is negative is mostly being an idiot. “Wah they tamed raptors!” Yeah cause we don’t tame lions and tigers for our own amusement. *sigh* The trailers also show the raptors quickly turning on the main characters, so they clearly

Man, the negativity around this movie is really bumming me out. I fought it for ever and ever, but you guys are just the ruin of me.

I would love to see Xanthippe as a Road Warrior. It’s clearly her true destiny.

Now playing

Water czar
Boys of war
Armoured cars
Flame-thrower guitar

No way, Max is totally a leather-bear.

I had just gotten this song out of my head after finishing the series a month ago. DAMMIT.

I would love to see a show starring Imperator Furiosa as a nanny to a wealthy Manhattanite during the Apocalypse.

Nothing beats “the cold” chasing down characters in a corridor — which is conveniently stopped by a door — and the book burning scene.

Why “rightly”?

Gina Carano gets the shit beaten out of her in Haywire and keeps on trucking. It’s pretty good.

Women endure enormous amounts of pain in all kinds of contexts — hell, a good chunk of men will never experience anything like childbirth. I don’t buy the argument.

Well you know Mel Gibson only had *14* lines of dialogue in Road Warrior.

Maybe you’re thinking of this?

I remember the original trilogy being much more about oil though.

Apparently we have skinwalkers outside of my little Utah hometown. There are lots of murmurings of creatures that no one can identify in the northwestern corner of the state. Everyone I’ve talked to about it agree that it appears to be supernatural.

As a Canadian, I got way too excited at the mention of The Littlest Hobo!

I don’t think we will see robotic pets overtaking organics anytime soon. If anything I think instead we will see a surge of genetically modified animals that have been specifically designed to meet the individual convenience and aesthetic requirements of modern city dwellers.

What I was thinking was that maybe at one time she bit into a peppercorn, which can set off sneezing, tears, and coughing. That might lead someone to think of an allergy. Fresh peppercorns can be pretty potent.

I have to explain to her that it’s not alchemy or magic that transmutes peppercorns into pepper