
Man, how long a vacation are those gals taking? :)

Think there's any significance that the mother has all female inner voices, the father has all male, but the daughter's are almost equally split?

Brave had both parents present, but I definitely see what you mean. Now if we could just get two parents who are the same gender...

Even on TV there are more gay male characters than female. (roughly 2:1)

January Jones

The guy asking for the bacon sandwich in a kosher bakery week after week is a raging anti-semite and an incredible asshole. He knows what he's doing and thinks he's making some sort of stupid point.

Wait we get 4 episodes of Steven Universe this week including a half hour episode? I am good with that.

Anyway, stop complaining about them choosing to go with the lesbianing first. In truth, we've had sibling make-out sessions and two bi men already. There's plenty diversity. I'm sorry, what? You aren't aware of the two main characters who were bisexual?

I realise there'll be an awful lot of preconceived prejudice against what a Barbie movie could be (A movie about a girls doll? It could only be awful!) but having watched some of the 'Babie: Life in the dream house' series with my niece which is incredibly self aware and pokes an awful lot fun the products own

If it's anything like the Barbie: Life in The Dreamhouse shorts they have online, I'm on board. That show is hilarious and very clever. My nieces got me hooked.

Is it just me or does that painting remind anyone else of File Island from the Digimon universe?

yes it is! was walking back from valentine's dinner at oz cafe

Woohoo! Yes, BNL reference. Now I need to go get some individually wrapped sausages and dijon ketchup!

Got it! Thanks!

Unemployment sent me back to school, but I have time and inspiraton for leather crafts again. So I made a green belt. Yes, it is a real green belt and maybe that's cruel. Or maybe that's a bad reference. Next up, finishing a black and brown purse.

I'd like the link, please.

A ton of DIY. In my infinite wisdom a few months ago I decided to refurbish a 7 bedroom house pretty much by myself.

A two-player short form RPG ( really, in indie RPG parlance, it would be called a game poem ), using tablets/phones as story prompts where the players are developing the story/history of two characters who have known each other for a very long time.

I just put my last 24-hour comic online, and am gearing up to do a slightly longer 48-hour comic (I like to sleep) about time travel.

#art1k is still ticking along, just crossed 2 years of art everyday with almost half a million hits on 730+ posts: http://stillwellgray.ca/blog/