
I really expected this article to discuss Imgur's "Banana for Scale" meme.

Well, clearly society collapsed in the late 80's and culture no longer progressed. The world was just stuck in a never ending 80's music video.

Oh my dear Lord. This is hilarious and honest. It's also the First Amendment in action, before some reactionary jumps in about how these people are abridging the free speech rights of those who made the ads. The solution to speech you don't agree with is more speech, and that's exactly what these people are doing.

Oh man! I do the same thing! the one and only time I've gone to the hospital for a reaction, I had totally clear lungs. I just panic attacked myself into being unable to breath once I realized that I had both eaten some of an allergen (that has never caused my anaphalactic shock before) and didn't have my epipen on

I choose to take away from this article that my life-long distrust of doctors is valid, and that I am secretly endowed with super psionic healing powers.

The only movie that got even remotely close to evoking a true GOONIES aura to me, was Super 8.
Basically it's because child actors are 99% terrible. But this movie was a clear exception to that rule. Every kid in it killed it.
And for reals, that kid was super in love with that Fanning girl, IRL. That eye sparkling is

I always hated Goonies. Didn't like any of the characters.

I was nearly out of high school when The Goonies came out, so it missed me by about a decade in terms of age vs. appeal factor. I guess you had to be there at the right age for this to be the cult classic that it is. May the sequel (if it ever gets made) be everything you hoped it would be (although it is guaranteed

Harley shifting from doormat sidekick to self-actualized criminal to struggling ex-con and then back to doormat strikes me as eminently realistic. It's really hard to break patterns of behavior, even unhealthy or destructive ones.

Keep dreaming. I'm still waiting for them to finally give Best Stuntwork its own category.

Feast totally made me bawl. My sister kept rolling her eyes at me, then couldn't understand why I wasn't crying at Baymax spoiler.

I'd be saltier about Lego Move getting snubbed (and I'm already pretty salty) but the animated category is already an embarrassment of riches.

I seriously don't understand how the hell American Sniper got a best pic nod. Is hollywood trying to make nice with Clint Eastwood after spending the last 2 years trading jokes

The Battle of the Five Armies was the first movie I saw in 48fps and it was extremely jarring to me. It took me a good long time to get used to it and it was one of the major topics of conversation amongst my group after the movie ended with some of them claiming to never get comfortable with it during the course of

Much more lifelike?

I thought the 48hz Hobbit looked like people playing dress up on a stage. So I'm resisting.

I approve, and not just for the extra lesbianism.

They could troll the shit out of everyone by making it a new direct adaptation of the book instead of a screen adaptation of the musical.

It's amazing how my early love for Lea and all things Glee has turned to eye-rolling disdain over the years.

I think I saw it the same time you did, but I may have seen Laura Bell Bundy. I get those two confused a lot. (Especially from the balcony, which is usually what I can afford.)