
I think shes taking a break from acting due to family issues? Shes not going to be on Community S6 for that reason. Too bad, shed make a perfect Ursula.

While that dress looks amazing when she's running down the stairs, the bodice and sleeves are basic as hell. THAT'S the grand ballgown you put Cinderella in?! #hotfashiontake


Looks good, but this is still going to be the Cindy I always love

Katherine, I agree. There's a lot of good points in here, but I wont' stand for Ursula's song being referred to as boring. Poor Unfortunate Souls is incredible. I've always loved it. A teacher used to play it on the piano in elementary school and every girl in the class sang along demonically.


Regina is going to go back to her Evil Queen persona in Storybrooke, which Lana Parilla says is because "that's just what the writers do. I'm good, I'm evil, I'm good, I'm evil. Hey, something's gotta drive the plot forward."

Yeah, Bowie's response was mentioned above.

Let's break this Marvel awesomeness down:

You think the film business is a meritocracy?

Sigh. Moving on, in more positive news, we love the idea that Scream Queens will be a yearly rebooted series led by women.

Can't watch the video right now, will have to watch it tomorrow. Going to go by description for now.

Where do people who are mixed-race fit in? Are they in the "other" category? That number seems too low.

I understand Mooney wanted to narrow the contestants down to a finalist who is both seductive and deadly, but why was encouraging the last two to smash each other's faces in a good idea? Quite a good way to prove Factor B, I suppose, but not a great way to preserve Factor A in your winner.


It sounds to me that Downey used Gibson's name to say that he doesn't want to do another Iron Man movie unless something almost impossible occurs to make him change his mind.

You know, sometimes Stephen does one of his interviews and he looks almost embarrassed to do his schtick for it. I both look forward to and dread him leaving it behind. You can almost smell him holding back his inner fanboi for how much he loves this stuff, and when he says "...both of them scare me" it's

Lynn Sherr – Ride's friend, and author of the recently published biography on the late astronaut – stopped by the Colbert Report to talk about Ride's role as a feminist, scientist, and role model.

Welcome back, Meredith! *couOUATrecapough*