
Bee Movie was a sad sack of paycheque-generating horseshit, that's why I was upset you lumped PoE with it

You think fucking Prince of Egypt is 'adaquate at best'? You rank it with BEE MOVIE? Girl you best be trippin'

The amount of people who think Narwhals aren't real is pretty astounding. Also did you know that that horn is actually a tooth! It's always the left tooth but occasionally a Narwhal will mutate and grow a second long tooth, so they look like insane walrus whales

I have no idea how it took me this long, but I JUST got why they're called Venus fly traps

This reaffirms my position that pink is the most punk of the colours.

I feel the same about straight women. Who in their right mind would choose dick, right? Poor 'straight' girls just need to be shown the light /s

Interstellar is this generation's Contact. If you're watching it hoping for either a mindblowing scientific dissertation or an episode of Xfiles, you'll be disappointed. If you watch it and suscribe to the fact that wisdom and curiosity have equal place in human psyche, it's a fantastic character piece with great

I have a Russian friend, I can't wait to hear her complain about how terrible these accents are, like she does with every movie that's supposed to feature a Russian.

He's not autistic because that's a racial/cultural attribute, not a non-typical human neurotype. That would be like calling all Finns autistic because their culture doesn't include conversational smalltalk and so they're uncomfortable with it.

If it had ended maybe 3 minutes earlier it would've been okay, but honestly I felt it was kinda cool concept poor exectution. The end doesn't flow or make sense at all except to make it feel like a 'twist'. Unless someone can explain it for me, because it really doesn't work to me.

I'm not a parent and I only found Frozen okay, but I think the only reason why is seems so 'lol print more money' and 'literally everywhere' is only because the internet makes it seem like it. I remember Lion King when I was seven. Lion King's popularity would beat Frozen to dust. The music was everywhere, it had TWO

From the trailer that what it sounds like. It's like a compounding curse, the only way to stop it from following you is to give a new person the curse, but you still carry it, so once that person is killed it comes after you. So it's only demon program is to kill everyone touched by the curse and I guess it just knows

Dumb to be scared or dumb to enjoy?

I'm gonna take a guess and say 'Because they wanted certain actors for these roles and never gave it any deeper thought'

And I'll stand by my original statement: I'm so glad lesbians are now so accepted that we apparently don't count as a minority deserving of representation anymore, but instead the 'token gay diversity' that is discriminatory towards other minorities. I'm so glad to be part of a minority that only apparently merits

Oh my god did you seriously use one of the worst examples of queerbaiting as an argument that lesbians get more representation? Did you seriously use one of the worst examples of 'See we tossed you a maybe-gay bone and now also this character is gone from the show forever so just shut up about it' as an example that

The impression remains because it's what you want to believe. I actually agreed with you until I started trying to come up with supporting examples and couldn't. I legit cannot think of a mainstream show with a lesbian main character (who STAYS ALIVE AND GAY) after Buffy, while I can think of three gay male characters

That's actually not entirely true, we generally get equal representation to gay men in most media. The only genre where I think it's skewed is teen drama. In fact I'm struggling to think of examples to support your argument.

I'm okay with this ending up being that Miller and Lord wanted to make their own Y the Last Man story.

IIRC the minimal is something like 5 men and 7 women, providing that they're all fairly genetically varied from each other to begin with. So right now with just three white people from USA isn't a good start.