
Well isn't one of Aquaman's big arcs about his brother or nephew or someone trying to take over the throne as the king of atlantis? I'm not super familiar with him, but I feel like that story's been done twice in JLU and YJ so it must be a main one.

Pugs evolved from wolves remember

Ehhhhh then look at the movie as 'Hammond wanted to create a Zoo, but InGen wanted to create Disneyland' angle. The whole point of the series is 'we do not have control over nature' so genetically modifying dinosaurs to fit the look of park attractions rather than actual science fits perfectly into the Narrative -

Dinosaurs 'didn't have feathers' (in fact, dinosaurs were still widely considered reptillian) when the books were written and movie was filmed. So just imagine in your head that the genetically created dinosaurs were genetically created to look like what was widely believed to be correct at the time.

Look man, if you want to identify with and praise an extremely emotionally unhealthy bully and abuser, go ahead, but don't try to change my mind about it

I'm going by the common interpretation of the character, so saying how YOU took it doesn't mean much. Despite the fact that a lot of us 25-35 year olds read and loved the books, the fact remains that the main demographic is teenagers, who are terrible at judgement and come to surface conclusions, and as friends with

So is this jumpscare horror or slow burn horror?

It's the worst message of HP, when most of the messages to kids are pretty good, the Snape story is an attempt at writing a complex character that basically comes off as 'if someone else is a jerk to you, it justifys you being a jerk to other people. Also obsession = love'

Torties apparently live longer on average, I guess the chromosomal hiccup that creates their fur also gives them a life boost.

Still waiting? Well gosh, if I don't clarify my simplistic statement will you never get any sleep? Are you wracking your brain for pendantic scenarios to come up with based around specific routes that might disprove me?

Aw, someone's mad.

Shit man, I didn't realise Europe consisted only of capital cities.

I dunno man, it takes probably 15 hours on a good day to drive from Detroit to Northern Ontario (at least, what is according to the map Northern Ontario, really the North Bay to Timmins area we call 'north' is more the center of the province). You could drive most of Europe in that time. It basically is a foreign

The music fit the setting so well to really play up the fantasy style with futuristic synth noise, reminds me of old 80's fantasy.

And I don't see anyone talking about it! I guess because my peergroup isn't really in the age to think about death yet, but this is so exciting that the Supreme court basically told Harper to mess off.

Yeah, that's not a critique it's an edorsement! It may not be the space opera we wanted, but it's the 70's insanity we need! I miss the nonsense of 60-70's scifi

The octopurse on their site is banging!

That looks right! I'm pretty sure the whole thing's on the youtubes

I'm pretty sure Bluth had some issues with animated films being seen as kids movies only and was like YOU WANT A KIDS MOVIE I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET IT

I think a good rule of thumb is 'if it's an animated film from Japan that's older than 1995, it will scar your child's soul'