
His name has been Yen Sid since his incarnation in Fantasia, so at least it's not the OUAT writers being lame, it's Walt himself.

We've decided to ride out the rest of the arc with strong shots every time a Frozen reference is made.

Rock (bending) music!

Yeah, and occasionally you get guests that don't seem to understand that Colbert is a schtick and are clearly uncomfortable or upset with his interview style, which is odd I would think they'd be coached beforehand. But he definitely, especially in the more serious topics, seems to struggle with juggling being a hammy

No no no, jump forward ANOTHER 70 years and let's have a grunge-90's era Avatar with all the delightful retro weirdness.

I was crying I was laughing so hard at that whole battle sequence. It was made even better by the fact that at least half the audience was in my shoes - dragged there by either curious boredom or a partner who was a fan - and the other half were losing their minds because this didn't happen in the book and everyone

That's what, 9? I could see it.

Korra being both animated and on Nick is probably considered 'a kids show' by the people who make these kinda of calls, but you never know!

I never saw WH13 but I'm a Once fan so that's my masochism lol (sob).

Unfortunately I think we're in a television trend where blatent subtext to encourage queer-fans/shipping is seen as 'progressive enough' to get the queer fans on board without alienating the 'homos are icky' fans, or worse the 'I have nothing against it, but I can't relate to a queer main character' fans.

Community is like the other spectrum of Firefly - it's incredibly beloved by it's nerdy fans, but instead of ending too early, it keeps gasping for air just above the surface and finding ways to keep going

Nah, that would've been too repetitive with the weasel-town ruler and his goons. Not to mention half the point of the movie was 'people aren't always who you expect them to be' - Elsa was a textbook villain but her motives were actually just fear reactions. Hans was a textbook disney prince, but his motives were

That's what made Hans a great sociopath. He was a good prince, and did everything correctly to be a good leader, but he was a shitty human being. He was only a good prince because he knew it would increase his chances of being king.

I'm so stoked for those mechas.

Considering the first teaser trailer was so inclusive with their 'families', the fact that a large part of demeaning the antagonist is to mock both allergies and cross-dressing is really disappointing. I was looking forward to this movie immensely but this is actually giving me pause.

I always thought a Landseer was just a type of Newf, not a breed on it's own. TIL! And admittedly have never heard of the St John's dog. Really NLFD, you need three breeds? I feel we should start a provincial movement to have each province have their own breed.

Also are dingos considered a dog breed? I was always

Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters was 100% not taking itself seriously and was great for that, I'm pretty excited about the chance of a second one.

PG-13 with an R directors cut DVD release would be the smartest move.

I would bet that 'darker' simply means 'exactly the same but with less censorship'. A lot of dark shit happens in the JLAU, but it's usually off-screen or just hinted at

I have to say, I am disappointed that 'Feast' apparently relies on the 'boys eat shitty food until a girl makes them eat salads' trope