Please keep in mind that Omar Mateen has been on FBI radars since 2013 for possible connections to ISIS terrorist activity:…
Please keep in mind that Omar Mateen has been on FBI radars since 2013 for possible connections to ISIS terrorist activity:…
A man in New York who spent five months at Rikers Island says he had no idea he could have posted $2 bail to be…
Sarma Melngailis, who has been on the lam for 10 months after allegedly stealing nearly $2 million from her raw…
A bigger issue is that jobs that really just require a HS diploma(and used to) now require a 4 year degree AT LEAST, so you can show them you are adequately in high debt and likely to stay in their crappy job working for shitty managers, and enjoying their disappearing benefits forever. Or until they go under, get…
I was just thinking about this today!