
I own a ‘15 Scat Pack Challenger the interior is actually really nice for the money. Plus you get 500 horsepower for under 40 grand. What’s not to love?

I bought some shares of FCA stock a few months ago when it was down to about $6 a share.

It is definitely 2576 pounds but 2576 pounds of WHAT is the question. Weight? That would be almost impossible.

I think the # is supposed to be pounds. But 2576 pounds of WHAT?

Hopefully your fears predict what’s to come because if so look what we have here!

Now you’re being just plain ignorant. The millions of people living here can’t just pack up their families and leave; that’s not being realistic. Plus many of us like it here. We can’t stand the liberal coasts. And we proved it so during this election :)

First off, do you know how fucking dumb you sound? Do you know how insulting you are to the Jewish people who ACTUALLY had to endure a real Holocaust? ANY comparisons of Trump to Hitler shows absolutely pure IGNORANCE to the millions of Jewish people who died in the real Holocaust. Shame on you you piece of shit.

It’s not a case of false equivalencies. It’s the truth. Take a step back and look at the 2 from a non-partisan stance. Republicans thought Obama was just as bad as you guys think Trump is, trust me. I have a family full of them; I’ve had to listen to it for the last 8 years. Maybe if you or the majority of this

you still are citing polls when every single poll had hillary out 10+ points on election day? LOL what kind of ignorance are you?

lol so you can demean black people for voting a certain way and that’s not racist? LOL typical liberal. POS.

Ahhh, once again we see the oh so “tolerant” liberals in the wild. Not even willing to talk to the other side- how very accepting of you! This is why you guys lost. So, please, keep acting like a child, it will only help Trump win in 2020! :)

Hillary did not “win” with more votes- she lost. Just because she had more votes means nothing. That’s like saying in football “Well, the Giants had more yards than the Eagles, so that means the Giants won the game!” No, that’s not the way the game works. There is STRATEGY to the agreed upon rules, and Hillary

Hillary did not “win” with more votes- she lost. Just because she had more votes means nothing. That’s like saying in football “Well, the Giants had more yards than the Eagles, so that means the Giants won the game!” No, that’s not the way the game works. There is STRATEGY to the agreed upon rules, and Hillary

And most polls had Hillary up by 5+ points the day before election day. haven’t you dems learned not to trust them yet?

please tell me why the libs don’t want to do a recount of the states that she won? Like New Hampshire? oh wait. because that doesn’t fit the liberal agenda. Never mind!

please libs tell me why they only want to recount the states Hilllary lost? why don’t they want to recount states that she barely won by, like new hampshire? Oh wait. They don’t fit the liberal narrative. Never mind!

you do realize that Hillary should have had waaaaaay more than 2.5 million votes, right? Trump didn’t step foot in CA or NY a single time (both are liberal elitist strongholds) so the fact that Hillary only had 2.5mil more votes than Trump is actually quite embarassing! Trump EASILY would’ve had more than her if he


Jezebel is still oddly quiet on the 1,000 jobs that Trump just saved the other day. Why might that be? Oh, that’s right. You guys are biased pieces of shit. Trump was too busy creating 1,000 jobs than to worry about some whiney millenials complaining about something they have no idea about. Please, can SOME libtard

Hey libs, where was your article on the 1,000 Carrier jobs that Trump single handedly saved from moving to Mexico??? Huh??? That’s right. There are none. Biased pieces of shit. If Obama did it (which he didn’t, he didn’t even ATTEMPT to make them stay) I guarentee you guys would be all over it. What do you have to say