haha that is a great story, I probably would have done the same. new zelda game.. bitches can wait haha
haha that is a great story, I probably would have done the same. new zelda game.. bitches can wait haha
a delayed game is never a bad thing. I personally would rather wait another year if it will overall benefit the game. Nobody likes to wait longer but a delayed game will eventually be good as a rushed one will be crap forever. good on them for doing the right thing
haha typical
pretty awesome to see the constant suda love on kotaku. amazing games
$199 is more that fair! $250 is way too much. dont get me wrong i want one but probably not for that much and i live in canada might be more yikes
looks sweeet
this will be sweet!! nintendos show could have been alot more but this is exciting atleast
man i think it looks awesome. honestly though i feel bad for sony what a shame this surprise was taken away from them it would have been nice to hear about this during e3 honestly i really mean that. what kid wants to sneak down early on christmas more fun to wait but at the same time i completely do not blame kotaku…
I like the avatars and i like my xbox but it bums me out that everything ms does is rip off the other guy..everything they do.
thats awesome im hooked on field runners right now
no metal gear wow times stupid
ah dude the snes pad was the best and honestly the classic controller rocks best d pad ever!!!!.... now only if nintendo would let me use the damn thing...
being a long time nintendo "fan", it kills me to see idiots like her running the North American image of Nintendo. All she ever talks about is her stupid family, frankly i dont care if her kid gets hit by a bus. In fact Id like to see her kid get hit by a bus cause then just maybe shed fuck off. E3 showed nintendo to…
oh god i hope not, imagine all the fat lazy gamers during the opening ceremonies having to stop and take breaks. Plus there would be drug testing so pot head would be out and whats gaming with out pot heads
haha this dude totally reminds me of JP from grandmas boy..wouldnt it be awesome if he talked like a robot!
WOULD YOU RATHER... i dunno play a better game?
what a bunch a fucking nerds, seriously. these kids give video games a bad name. anyone seen that picture of those kids dressed as xenosaga or something that ones just hurts to look at but pretty funny aswell.
FAITH NO MORE is awesome great music for this trailer!!!!
there you have it M$ is homophobic, who honestly thinks gaywood shouldnt be aloud? honestly grow up. this is the dumbest thing ive ever heard and i hope the guy takes them to court because it sounds like he might have a case. REALLY? really stupid on M$ behalf they look like children here