Jacuzzi Jeff

Oh god, or all the Ramones stuff in the Tom Arnold movie Carpool

Those Carnival Cruise ads bothered me so much. Watching kids rock climb and parents sip wine when it always reminded me of Renton getting tackled by cops in Trainspotting.

They must be rehabilitated in an out-patient behavioral center focusing on their past traumas which may have influenced their current lifestyle. Another colleague told me they must do some three letter thing. Just gotta remember it

No but at least it wasn't Chinese Rocks

His music will live on in Emeril concept restaurants and Popeye's commercials.

There's not like a ton but they stand out a lot when you see them. For some reason they all have Black Flag bars and Misfits skulls. A lot of them are big on heroin too which is weird to do heroin and listen to a straight edge band.

This will never be misused

Anywhere nazi surfers are in southern California. There's a rule here that you're not allowed to get an SS or swastika tattoo if you surf unless you already have either a Misfits skull, Black Flag bars or an Addicts smile tattoo already. Bonus if a friend did it in his garage. They make me hate my love of Danzig.

Danzig retreats back to the blood fountain walls of his modest New Jersey home.

At the drop-off, she got told-off
Now with Percocets she's gettin' hauled' off!

I just commented about it before seeing you did first. I live in OC and found this so quintessentially Orange County. That same weekend I think the Orange County Register did a spread on two of the Housewives mansions in Coto and Corona Del Mar. Leave it to the Register for hard hitting news!

This was in the LA Times Sunday front page a few weeks ago where the wife said, "I don't regret a thing!" It is the most Orange County frame job possible to hide prescription pills in someone's car over a squabble about carpool etiquette. Next would be about taking lemons out of my tree or an HOA murder over recycle

5th Avenue Freeze Out?

biggest takeaway from that movie

At the end of Tree of Life my friend started yelling "symptoms might include!!!!…" because there were dozens of people of people staring out on an overcast beach for some poignant reason that looked exactly like a Pfizer commercial.

Lil Stevie would be the Uncle Joe of our presidency. He's always got your back, literally.

That sounds like a Latin American instrument. Over there I've got my charango and my flabongo. We drink out of both

Same here. In college we had a dodgeball league at night that took seriously stereotypical teams. The terrifying MLB-producing baseball team, the hippies, the ROTC guys, the foreign engineers, future firemen getting science degrees, business bros, etc.. It was so fun. I ended up on the misfits/j-school/film school

Yeah it did and it bothered me then like Scarlett Johannson saying she texts him and Jay-Z and Beyoncé at the White House early on. There was so much celebrity in that campaign like there is now with Katy Perry, etc.. But I guess Kennedy was probably similar.

"Presidential candidates chug a beer then spin around with their head pivoted on a baseball bat. Hit a pitch (no matter how many it takes) run all the bases and then answer a debate question." Now that's a true bill of health if you're middle aged in Chicagoland.