Love the player. Hate the game.
Love the player. Hate the game.
My 2004 Forester XT.
Not so for rebuilt Yamaha RD 400 motors.
You kids today. I remember when my school folders had Porsche 917s, Daytona Chargers, Plymouth Superbirds and Torino Talledegas DRAWN on them. No infernal stickers for me! And I liked it! I liked just fine!
Having owned the original album, I approve of this message.
Gee, I dunno'... I known lots of folks that stink at their jobs.
5. FF
5. FF
Call Saul...
A slight design change? It's a completely different car!
Shudder to think what their restroom a capella looks like.
Imagine how popular this could have been if the nekkid mud flap girl silhouette option had been available!
Ah yes. I remember that car fondly. My buddy had a '75 model, bright yellow, and I barrel-rolled it down a deep ditch after trying not to run over a cat on a rainy night. The folly of youth.
"Tahmooressi was packing an AR-15 rifle, .45 pistol, and a 12-gauge pump shotgun." And he has PTSD. And lives out of his truck.
Some of my best friends are white.