Jacqyl Frost

Bold of you to assume I’m turning video on at all.

Wish I could donate. Meds I take prevent it. :\

That’s even better news!

This is something we can all like, right? For once? Is anyone really going to try and argue?

Thank you guys so much for listening to feedback and giving us summaries of the videos.

Boomer isn’t an age, it’s a mindset.


Please see attached.

That’s fine, but it’s a good sign I don’t want to work there anyways.

“Googles. Goggles or shatter-resistant glasses can protect your eyes from tear gas.”
But what if I’m more of a DuckDuckGo kind of gal?

Or just, y’know, keep doing takeout because human life is more important than going out to eat. But if you insist on it, at least use precautions.


Yeah, honestly this barely registers as an “exploit” to me. An external PCI-E lane is a liability no matter how you slice it. DMA to external devices is dangerous. Anyone who cared too much probably avoided Thunderbolt or disabled it already. And quite frankly, they should.

Not being snide, legitimately asking, where do you live that restaurants have their own online ordering at all? Here it’s either a 3rd party service or you get jack shit.

Because ordering on the phone is a nightmare where as doing it through text is simple and you can sit there and tweak it until you’re happy with it.

I live in Texas, where our dipshit governor decided that it was time to reopen almost all businesses yesterday, despite cases and deaths being at an all time high. Oklahoma is faring about as bad.

I know you’re saying this at least partially in jest, but that kind of thinking is the exact problem that needs to be

That’s a big one, have to pause my music, put on headphones, etc.

Jee Oh Pee

Fuck that, past the termination point, I don’t allow ISP equipment in my house. I will happily argue that my modem is fine, if I have issues. Now, if you’re corporate, yes, it may make sense to use their equipment, but, corporate modems are usually a tad nicer anyways.

Yeah, can’t count the times I’ve had my wages stolen from me. Hard to feel bad for taking a few minutes here and there nowadays.