
I don't want one position, I want all positions!

No worries about rust — the chassis is a carbon-fiber/honeycomb aluminum sandwich, and the body panels are straight CF.

Actually, they were attempting to experiment with the geometric forms which develop within a Cat's Cradle. However, unexpected discoveries were made in the areas of quantum entanglement instead.

While their experiments with the Newton's cradle were a meowsing success (bar a chipped tooth or two), investigations into their namesake cradle provided somewhat less than favorable results.

*sigh* Yes.

120% aero improvement. 50% braking improvement. These figures mean nothing to me.

From what I've read, Felix broke Mach at 98,000ft and achieved top speed about 40 seconds into his jump. The video starts to show his spin 10 seconds into the jump, but it's obviously been cut in several places. We'll just to wait until the telemetry and POV footage of the jump (in its entirety) is made available for

I haven't seen that much flaming Italian since:_____________

As fascinating as the military possibilities are, I would really like to see this used to facilitate low-orbit space jumps. The mesosphere re-entry would pose a bit of a problem, but remember that SpaceShipOne didn't have any heat-shielding either and managed just fine (it topped out at 112km.) Someone needs to invent

Judging from the facstaff parking lot outside my building, the Honda CRV (followed closely by the Toyota RAV4) are the most popular with the edu-mindset. Hell, my boss has an '08 RAV4.

Hell. F**king. Yes.

Now playing

In times like this, I can't help but recall Serendipity's (and Rufus') lines from Dogma.

HA! Perfect.

Culture, eh? Hmmm...

Technically, the longest "free-fall" record doesn't belong to Kittinger either. Kittinger's record drop, while the longest, was drogue-assisted. The longest free-fall i.e. without any parachute assistance actually belongs to Yevgeni Andreyev of the then-Soviet Union, who free-fell for 80,380 feet back in 1962.

The cabin was completely cramped.

This +million. I remember when you made that statement. It still rings true.

I get the distinct impression that you were popping 5-hour energies just to make it through this review, Torch.

A certain Werticus Editorus Emeritus would profoundly disagree with your definition of Vehicular Fleshlight, Matt.

You've got it on #1, it appears to be a Luxury Liner. I even found a picture of one with the license plate brackets attached to the front bumper.