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Pfft. This is a girl having fun in a sideways-car.

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"Ain't nobody givin' out speeding tickets here except me. Imma make you wish you hadn't pulled 'em over here!"


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"Damnit, someone's trying to steal my car — waitaminute. It's that f**king bird again."

Yup — spiders have a strange attraction to modern Mazdas. I'm constantly having to shoo them off both our Miata and RX-8. I'm pretty sure it's not color-related, as one car is red and the other black. Strangely, it appears to be only one species of spider which retains this interest in the cars.

I do miss my old '91 NA terribly (although the '09 is a wonderful car to have.) Yes, those flip lights are freakin' addicting!

"It is, and will still be the queen."

This surgery deal is getting worse all the time.

I can forgive any country which gave us Jewel Staite.

Welcome, Micki (can we call you Micki?) We hope you enjoy it at the Jalop — do be warned though, some of our commenters (including me, probably) are a bit... off. :)

Lovely housepaint job. I think I can see the roller marks on the hood.

I recommend the Lucid brand — it's essentially the same recipe perfected by T.A. Breaux in the Combiers distillery and licensed for production in the US (unfortunately, it's still illegal to bring real Combiers absinthe through Customs, I think.) In fact, Lucid was the first absinthe brand to be readmitted into the US

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A little long at 37 seconds, but I think it illustrates the concept of oversteer and hard launching in rallies well.

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19 seconds. The noise. OH LORDY, THE NOISE.

Hah, the rear spoiler on the Reva Zephyr: The very definition of blissful optimism.

Why didn't you turn? Because racecar, yo.

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Honestly, this one is kinda of tough for me. $135K is way over the top, but this isn't exactly an ordinary 'stang. Those 45 cars were Ford-commissioned and built specifically to honor Iacocca, and the quality of work is top-notch (it's not a hack job for sure.) It's a pity that the supercharger wasn't included (I