Man, I really wanted her dialogue in the first ad to end:
Man, I really wanted her dialogue in the first ad to end:
While the beefier sway bars will definitely help track-day performance, the stock setup was probably chosen by Mazda to give a more forgiving ride (especially in tail-happy situations.) It's something of a hallmark of Miatas, as an ex-NB owner who borrowed mine rather eagerly demonstrated when she borrowed my NC. :)
Actually, the softness and roll-tendancy of the Miata isn't suprising at all, considering the mentality of the Miata engineers when they designed the car — the Miata has always been made to fit a very precise performance point — IIRC, in the Top Gear segment where Hammond races the (then-current) NB against a…
They are — from what I've heard, the new Miata will have a reduced-displacement motor (1.8L vs 2.0L) with forced induction. However, I think the power numbers will be similar to the current models, but the big performance boost will be the weight-shedding (Mazda's engineers are trying to get new Miata's weight as…
As an additional layer for security, don't use the DNS servers provided to you by the access-point — DNS is more recently becoming an attack-point. You can override your DNS settings fairly easily on most O/Ses. You can use Google's DNS servers:
Yeah, I'm aware that we regularly get denied the good stuff. Coming from a country where Japanese imports were largely unregulated, it feels rather stifling here in comparison.
Whaaaa?? How come I've never heard of these beauties before? They look like mini DB7s.
Hah! Or more accurately, "Man who give snake to stripper get big bill for broken rubber."
So the man scores a stripper, gives her the snake, then lets her go all out with it until the rubber tears, leading to expensive consequences and embarrassment.
True, but the mount actually puts the camera quite far off the C.G. axis of the copter already, so I can't afford anything heavy at all (it's really designed for tiny 10-15g cameras and I'm hoisting a 50G Veho Muvi on it, so flight characteristics are already going to be screwy.) Counterbalancing the Contour will eat…
I like the Contour units a lot (Amazon has the HD 1080p for $180.) — you can also get watertight cases for them. The only reason I didn't get one was because it's over the 75g limit of the stabilized Arducopter mount. :(
It tells us who really wears the pants in the relationship. ;)
Actually, with the addition of i-ELOOP on the upcoming 6 (which is classified under SkyActiv), the car is technically a hybrid, as energy saved during braking is put into a giant cap which discharges it to improve economy.
I see NibbyOTD continues unabated. This pleases me. :)
I think I saw a Sasha Grey flick with that title. Um, I mean, I think I may have heard about a flick with that um, err... I'll just shut up now.
I must say, seeing a video like this surely is a testament to how Cadillac has managed to reinvent themselves over the last decade. If you told me 15 years ago that two professional race drivers would be making a video of themselves tiresmoking two Caddies around Long beach, I'd have asked if you were off your meds.…
It's not just you — they are really attractive to look at in the flesh.
"Louisiana - It's illegal to wear headphones or earbuds while driving in Louisiana — unless we're talking about headsets built into a helmet."