Take my money! I want a Jimny quite badly.
Take my money! I want a Jimny quite badly.
They’re just making up animals. What are they going to use next, a Puma?
“This truck sucks because the unemployment rate is high.”
Eh, just find an E92. Weighs less, has more power, and will be cheaper. (yes I was surprised to find out the E92 is 200lbs less)
Tough call but probably the right one. With all that Peruvian marching powder there, I am certain someone would have come calling sooner or later. Better that they, the snow’s “rightful owners” know that it is no longer there.
I mean, couldn’t *one* of you have given him a reasonable answer? The only non-troll answer is the Acadia, and he literally said he had no use for an SUV. I get that there’s a comedy element, but I thought there were supposed to be a few helpful suggestions?
$30k engine wrapped in a $25k car.
Those are solidly 1st world problems.
I may sound a little judgmental but i believe i see more Chrysler products in less affluent areas. Areas which likely have a higher frequency of theft.
I’m sure its not the only reason though. For example, if i was to steal a car, i’d likely pick something fast and inconspicuous. A V8 Charger fits the bill nicely.
What’s with all the Chrysler products? Are they just incredibly easy to steal?
I assume supercharger rate for long range is supposed to be 170 miles in 30 minutes? If 170 in 3, I’ll jump in line tomorrow.
“Oh, they’re real, they’re just not the original...”
In case anyone was wondering about the Spanish being spoken, he’s saying:
Front end was contained and yet the back still went for the nearest grouping of bystanders
It amazes ME how chickenshit so called “conservatives” have come when it comes to Russia, and Russia alone.
Abstract thought seems to be sorely lacking in this society. No matter how effective you make a social safety net, if you find anecdotal one ‘welfare queen’ you can kill a whole program. I think this is where the press fails the most. For far too long the press let politicians control the narrative with ridiculously…
The Spider, by comparison, feels much softer and much less direct.