
@Haneyg: What about this?! It sure is ugly... but it apparently costs $25 million.

Sure beats this!

@Whitson Gordon: Yea. I'm kind of dreading being online to everyone all the time rather than having control of it. I guess chat will just run in the background now, similar to Skype?

@Platypus Man: It seems to be going to touch.facebook.com less. Although, at the moment I can't seem to remember under which circumstances it opened things in the browser in the previous version.

Seems to be working fine on my Droid X. One GLARING omission is that friends aren't grouped as they are on the web version of facebook. This means you can't "turn yourself off" for certain groups of friends. You're either all on, or all off.

@cycle_ops: Me too! You are not alone.

Am I the only one who thinks this looks absolutely stupid?

My guess would be that video chat will become available on Android 3.0. Since the timetables have gotten a little messed up with the software (i.e. Gingerbread was originally 3.0 but is now 2.3) I assume, based on the hardware, that they planned on having video chat integrated.

@Volanova: My guess would be the reason this book is getting special treatment is because the writer of the article also happens to be the author of the book.

@itchytooth: Maybe he buys 'extra butter' rice... like popcorn.

I think the price of the printer should also be taken in to consideration...

@Rohic: It is pronounced just like 'contact' in English but with a 'v' at the beginning and a 'ye' (as in the first two letters of "yellow") at the end.

@Samurai I-am-awry Is not on the list hallelujah!: The former Soviet Union has its own social networking site vkontakte.ru ("in contact"). That's why they're missing from the facebook landscape. Although, many are now making the switch to facebook as the language support becomes better and they realize that the

@JohnnyricoMC: Good point about why Amazon stopped hosting wikileaks.

What about apps that do news AND download and let you listen to podcasts through RSS feeds... preferably syncing to Google Reader?