
Wouldn't it matter if you're getting fiber to your home as opposed to copper to your home? Even if the copper in your home is a bottleneck, you're not sharing the copper (as that is only in your home) you're sharing the fiber (but much farther down the line). Not many homes are making 6 land line phone calls at a

Verizon's FiOS is "Fiber to the Premises"... they include a wireless router. That makes even their 35/35 package much better than the fiber to the neighborhood that others are offering.

They seem to be suffering from the same thing that makes teenagers say, "I want to be different... like THAT guy!"

VOTE: Don't use one at all.

@JaCooP: Nevermind... but Chad would have been better... and he apparently is running around with a Xoom at the moment.

Do we know who "Lady Killer" is? Chad Occhocinco is my guess, but I couldn't tell by the picture.

@Giggity: I'm watching it from my mac with no problems.

I'm surprised they aren't using a Chrome OS laptop to show off the new android market.

@SkipErnst: Not to mention "through" and "though"... which happen to rhyme with "do and "go"

The one thing that they never showed with these "fantastic" looking nano watches is how ridiculous you must look with headphones attached to your watch.

Well, according to Droid Life this morning... it is back to $800.

@WickedD365: Nice timing on that edit at 01/11/11 11:11 AM

@FriarNurgle: Whether or not you are using data depends on your navigation software.

@Anaphylaxor: You just need T9... even dumb phones have that.

@SAfiftyseven: I'm surprised they didn't star you for that comment. hehe..

Music is NOT a working get-rich-quick scheme... EVER.

@Y2KGTP: Yea... songs generally cost $0.99 and Apple takes 20-30 cents per song. Even if they bought whole albums (at $9.99) and Apple DIDN'T take anything, it would still be about $723,000 short.

@abes2: But they didn't choose "Teabaggers" they chose "Tea Partiers"... while we Bostonians know what the (original) Tea Party stood for, over the years, many different people from all political sides have invoked the Boston Tea Party imagery to represent general disgust with a tax situation (for whatever reason).