Jacob Timothy Michael Hughes

Other than the one put in the article here, and the Morton salt, the rest of them are still pretty much associated with the commercials they came from.

I based one part of my argument on The Room, but if you reduce the entire argument to that, it makes it much easier to refute, so go for it, I guess.

Yes. Michael Bay has his job for a reason. They have him do movies when they need him to make a Michael Bay movie. I'm not saying that it's good, but it's consistent, and Bay is a professional. And don't talk shit on Emmerich. Independence Day was a fucking masterpiece of modern cinema. Anything else he's ever done is

You're an idiot, bud.

Really, I don't find that to be the case at all. Occasionally, you'll find some undiscovered genius working in indie films. But the people who work for the big studios generally have their jobs for a reason, and it's because they're good at what they do. And yes, occasionally a script will get rejected by the big

It was in Episode 9 of the Flash.

If I'm not mistaken, it's referred to as "Central City, Missouri" in an episode of either The Flash or Arrow.

That would be a MASSIVE improvement over the current Iris.

Not really. Yes, the two are close friends and Barry has a thing for her that may or may not be unrequited, but that happens in real life too.(I know this from experience) It isn't like she's just refusing to consider the entire thing because she's known Barry for so long.

The pilot was awful, but the show did get to the point that it was tolerable.

That's actually one thing I enjoy about those shows. They're giving screen time to villains who aren't cool enough to show up in a movie.

"First LGBT character in canon since we got rid of the canon."


That's probably my least favorite thing about Kanye: despite the fact that he's an arrogant, narcissistic jackass, he still makes incredible music. What a prick.

Huh. I must have overlooked it because they forgot to the include the part of "I won't back down" where the entire song doesn't annoy the hell out of everyone within earshot.

Meh. Disappointed by the assumption that the Kool-Aid is KAM's blood. He regularly distributes it. I don't see it as a reasonable assumption that he could die from losing too much. The cracks do make sense, but I say there's no reason to assume that his glass ISN'T laminated.