Jacob SW

FYI, the official "A World of Ice And Fire" app does a really good job of this. You tell it which book you're up to (to avoid spoilers), and it will summarize what a given character did in the previous books. It also has maps that let you track character's journeys.

For anybody who is missing the comment section as much as the actual AV Club coverage— a lot of the commenters have moved over to the purplerockpodcast.com liveblog comments.

I just wanted to come in and put in a good word for Shanghai Knights. It's far and away the best of Jackie's Hollywood movies. As far as I can tell, it's the only one made by a director who was truly willing to let Jackie be Jackie, and the fight scenes are absolutely as good as the best of his Hong Kong movies.

This is a random thing to know, and totally proof that too much of my brain is devoted to Survivor, but:

It has to be noted that Savage actually BOUGHT AD SPACE ON THE VOTING WEBPAGE REMINDING PEOPLE TO VOTE FOR HIM. Seriously. Photo evidence:

A few reasons:

I dunno. There are a gajillion different ways to cry, but there are only two or three we see on film and TV, because those are the ones that make actors look noble and sympathetic. Seen on TV, Spencer's crying looked unnatural because it's not the kind you're used to seeing on TV — but if you saw it in person, I

One thing I haven't seen discussed: this is the first all-star season where at least some of the pre-game alliances are known going into it. Check out this video, which cuts together pre-season interviews with a bunch of players lying about their pre-season alliances, and Jeff Varner spilling all the beans. It gives a

My theory about the opening sequence: the editor has a six-month-old baby, and is putting together a supercut of expressions that will make him giggle.

There are definitely places in the series where they make good use of the framing device — there's a use of it towards the end of Assassin's Creed II that's actually one of my all-time favorite video game moments.

Rob C and Jenna recorded an unauthorized DVD commentary for Survivor: Amazon. I've only listened to the first two episodes so far, but it's really interesting. Link below.

Hmm… I would have sworn it was Stephen Fischbach but I honestly don't remember.

Something that was discussed on Survivor Know It Alls last week: apparently, it's pretty common for a tribe to lose a flint. In the past, nobody has made a big deal out of it with Jeff, and by some strange coincidence, the flint has ended up re-appearing when the tribe gets back from Tribal Council. You can't boil

Reed, Josh, Jon Misch, Keith.