What about Akecheta?
What about Akecheta?
Or Robert Pattinson, who gave the actual best performance this year
Garland has written/directed one movie that kind of went of course near the end with Sunshine, so I don’t really like this suggestion that is made in general towards his films. It’s weird to say Ex Machina didn’t stick the landing (I know IV said as much in the review a few years ago and the commentariat back then…
Not saying it is. Felix is not a good person to emulate and he is the worst human being of the bunch. But the message that they try and push in general is something to take note on.
It was one guy in Felix who apologized profusely and donated an entire month’s salary to the Center for Reproductive Rights/said he felt awful about it in general. It was stupid as hell, but they understand it and Felix goes a bit dumb sometimes.
It was a Game of Thrones reference to establishment liberal pricks that includes everyone in the center you moron
“racist white BernieBros”