
What is wrong with Deadspin writers:

Colonel Stuart

“NHL’s sturdiest skater” lol. Has this writer never seen Jagr’s huge ass?

I don’t think it’s a very bad idea.

“doesn’t matter if there is no intent”

Are you.....you can’t be serious?

If a player’s angle changes and a check ends up to their head as a result of that change of angle, then it’s not ruled targeting the head. I love Crosby; he’s the best in the world, but that was, AT MOST, a double minor.

Yeah sorry but that’s not an ejection. Incidental contact on someone who fell into him.

Maybe not but we could have CRUSHED Tom Sawyer.

And yet Darren Rovell, the cockroach’s cockroach, will survive these cuts and outlive us all.


Karl Ravech having his role reduced is pretty surprising since, while he does focus mainly on baseball, he’s one of the few top-name wild cards that ESPN can put pretty much anywhere, especially when doing live sports stuff.

So, when we don’t go to war will you be writing an article about how you were wrong? Didn’t think so.

Yeah but... the pun is brilliant. The hero gets the girl in the end.

exactly. “this ain’t that kind of movie bruv”.

If only they would have used innuendo, then it would have been perfectly fine, right? Cause that’s what James Bond has been doing for fifty years.

Also not fifteen minutes before there were dozens of head explosions. Not a peep about that. No, sex is evil

Nah Eggsy is still a bit the lads lad, I felt it was appropriate and funny,English humour is always been rather ribald.

It’s weird to see you and others bash Beyond in here. I thought it was great. Did it feel like TNG? Of course not, but the movies were always more mainstream and actiony for their time.

I really enjoyed the last film. If they keep doing more of that I will be happy.