We have a 2016 e-golf and you can’t disconnect the charging cord unless you unlock the car first. I’d imagine most other EVs have similar protections.
We have a 2016 e-golf and you can’t disconnect the charging cord unless you unlock the car first. I’d imagine most other EVs have similar protections.
I feel like I finally hacked highway driving around Seattle. Stay in the right lane, regardless of how fast you wanna go. If you need to pass, just go around and get back in the right lane. You do this because EVERYONE, regardless of car, skill, or speed, immediately moves over to the far one or two lanes. Because…
Thanks for making me shoot coffee out of my nose this morning
I love my 2016 eGolf, and am more than interested in a power and range bump. It’s still really fun to throw around town. I recommend it to everyone I know that’s looking for a second car. It’s only limitation is the shitty efficiency tires that are on it.
This looks like the silhouette of my flex, just taller
Came here to say this
I know there have already been a lot of trucks, but my last ranger looked good with it’s big feet
Neutral: my wife and I bought a 2016 E-golf for her commuter rig last December. One of the big reasons that helped swing us in that direction was that we didn’t pay sales tax on it. In WA, that’s a big deal as we have a really large sales tax.
As the owner of an E-golf, I wholeheartedly agree.
And I’ll be there to buy them outright off lease for pennies. We did that for my wife’s car, a 2016 E-golf. Got it for 14,500 all in. Had less than 8k miles on it. It’s nice enough, but if I could get something more fun to drive like the Mini, I’d easily go that route for my next commuter car.
This is really common in the Seattle area. One lane, two direction, and crowded parking means you take what you can get on whichever side is available.
Totally agree on the gas tank bit. You’d think with a car that big we’d get a bit more tank range isn’t so great with the in town driving, twin turbo, and a heavy foot.
As a 2009 flex owner with the ecoboost, yes they are faster than something that size and shape should be.
Exactly this. When we had our second I knew in my heart that the minivan was the way to go, but I still couldn’t do it. We ended up with a Flex instead, and while it has been great, (3.5L EcoBoost is awesome - minus the gas milage) if it gets totaled/goes tits up before the youngest is out of a rear facing seat, we…
Neutral: Easily a Ford Fiesta ST. I’m really hoping there are still some available in six months when I might be ready for a new car.
My wife and I had to go buy her a commuter car for her new job this past weekend. We ended up getting a great deal on a CPO E-golf. I did get to go drive a Fiesta ST. It was So. Much. Fun. it didn’t make sense to get it over the E-golf but I’m really hoping that the couple in my area are still available in about six…
I live in the area and was looking for something like this (but in a four door) as a commuter/work rig that could occasionally do kid hauling. It’s been on Craigslist for months.
We are definitely not most people, but my wife and I went from owning two Subarus in a row to a Flex. Granted, we wanted a third row and the Ascent had just come out and was out of our price range, but we love it. So the market might be there.