
Having some NFL players kneel during the national anthem isn’t going to accomplish anything in the end. You need to change the minds of police.

The question is what has his protest done to himself? It wouldn’t surprise me if he never plays again. The only thing that moves the owners is money, so boycott, boycott, boycott....

Too bad his proposals will never make it through Congress.

I thought we were still blaming George Bush for everything?

How about a flash light?

He’s such a racist when he openned his first golf course in Florida he let everyone who wanted to join, unlike other clubs down there.. I guess actions don’t matter.

Didn’t say justified, however if every moron trying to bring something they say is food has to prove it’s edible, maybe less drugs would get in.

Maybe he shouldn’t have been smuggling it into the country in the first place...

How did voting for Trump have any affect on a private company that’s unionized? How did Trump make it worse? Striking is for better pay or benefits, that’s it. It either works or it doesn’t, no matter who’s in the White House..

Well said...

Graduates acting like children. I hope they grow up when they get a job.

You could make this video in and around Boston on any given weekday... Scary but true...

But if they don’t turn quickly enough they get the finger.

Greatest coach ever!!!