Space Jockey Chest Pains

"Hi, I'm Robert Osborne"

I wasn't entirely sold on Inter Arma, but Paradise Gallows is a terrific record! Turned me right around.

I really like both movies, but you hit the nail on the head with the "commenting on this wild situation we're in" dialogue in TFA. It always reads to me as the screenwriter trying to be too clever, and it's…insincere somehow. It's like a substitute for writing some actual funny dialogue; the characters instead remark

If anything, the stop motion animation is fantastic. Also, the scene where Robocop replacement cyborgs keep killing themselves…horrifying and hilarious!

It's not a direct correlation, but 28 Days Later features "East Hastings" prominently, and the rest of John Murphy's score is definitely influenced by Godspeed.

A particularly egregious example! Still mad about this too.

"A Warm Room" by Envy, and on a similar note, "Dream House" by Deafheaven.

High Violet was my first exposure to The National, and for some reason "Terrible Love" did nothing for me (not to knock it, it's a good song), but "Sorrow" was the one that totally knocked me over. Wouldn't mind hearing that one again for the first time.

Even as someone who liked Man of Steel and Batman V Superman quite a bit, I have not been so embarrassed watching a movie FROM FRAME ONE, ever, as I was watching Suicide Squad. It's rare when absolutely nothing works in a movie, but this managed to pull it off. Just two hours of loud brown.

Dance Moms is my cue to exit the room it's playing in, every time. I get genuine "would someone PLEASE think of the children?!" feelings from that show.

upvoted for the tremendous Prince of Egypt!

They act like everything is the MOST all the time, even when it's something relatively benign.

Not that it necessarily changes how it actually sounds, but if I'm not mistaken, Wonder Woman's theme is performed on an electric cello. Strange choice, but then I thought it worked pretty well. It's certainly memorable. (and also seemed like a loose callback to the score of Snyder's 300).

How far are you on S&S? I gave it 50-some episodes because I dig true crime stuff, but eventually couldn't handle the host anymore.

May you never recover!

"I didn't hate it!" raves Space Jockey Chest Pains

Cuba Gooding Jr.?

Agreed on Reanimation; I recently threw it on purely out of nostalgia for…being a sad middle schooler I guess, and was surprised how solid it is. But then, I never thought Linkin Park deserved as much flak as say, your Colds and your Taproots.

I too would like to endorse that particular PUP!
To Be Everywhere is to Be Nowhere by Thrice
Air by Astronoid. All three are pretty fantastic.

I think the Russian one you're thinking of is Hard to Be a God. Good luck on the other one!