Space Jockey Chest Pains

Cosigned on Dead Man's Chest!

That scene made me a little emotional too, just in general! It's the kind of scene that sounds corny in the telling, cutting between the fight and Carter burying his family, but Andrew Stanton pulls it off.

Anticipating some withering looks of disapproval here (also, spoilers), but when a certain man who is… super bites it in the infamous court case Batman V. Superman, knowing full well that it was in no way permanent, and being conditioned to shrug off comic book character deaths from the sheer quantity of such

Co-signed, Web-slinger! The fact that it shared space with…whatever was going on with Electro's theme in that movie, is truly unfortunate.

Moderately short!

Hey now, they have at least two new songs floating around!

Needs more Fedora Adjustment!

This came up somewhere else on the site, but the Mazda ad where the narrator is talking in a very condescending voice ("Sixteen, wide eyes…") is so grating. And those anti-smoking ads are a concentrated effort to get kids to start smoking, right? There's no other explanation.

NOW we're talking! I was terrified of several production company logos as a youngster.


"Sixteen, wide eyes…" Yeah those commercials are terrible.

Whoa, you too?

Ooh I know this one!… is it the Drovers' car?


Designer here! I'm glad you (and several others) caught this. Despite our efforts, we sometimes get things wrong (Like the Astonishing Ant-Man #47 not technically being the title of Scott Lang's first appearance as Ant-Man) or yes, forget to replace the information from the previous entry. Incentive to do better next

"Next time, baby!"

I'm a "Memorial" man myself! Largely for the strange sensation of a piece of music being rousing and mournful at the same time.

You better believe I couldn't make eye contact with the headshot of Jack Nicholson's Joker they had at every Applebee's when I was a youngster!

It's a little like having to smoke the whole carton for getting caught smoking. Wait… was Dad playing Halo?

This is kind of a dumb realization, but Carlin has done a really excellent job of framing WW1 for me in a way I've never been able to appreciate before; namely that it so drastically changed the world. I know, duh, but man is he good!