Space Jockey Chest Pains

Beetle Bailey: killed for treason

Ironic, as the original Yak Face action figure is considered quite valuable, based on it never being released in the United States!


I cackled like a crazy person at this. Tears were shed.

Well, upvoted but not liked obviously. Wisconsin Death Trip was a pretty cool record.

Yeah, I liked that it added the wrinkle of the Jedi thinking Maul and Dooku are the Sith threat to the Republic (that's some nice manipulatin' Mr. Palpatine!), but then it still felt like an unfinished arc. It seems weird that Maul would just go away and not show his face again in the galaxy. Wouldn't Sidious want him

It may be a confluence of personal nostalgic feelings and stuff, but "Different Names for the Same Thing" was always the song from Plans that knocked me on my proverbial butt.

Have any of you fine people read the comic Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir yet? And if so, what do you think of it? I was glad to get a little bit of closure to Maul's arc from TCW, but it ultimately just made me miss that show more.

"Eat your nose."

Thank you for making me aware of Seablaze!

I just hate shelves…

I hate that he has an Emmy shelf!

Was also there and enjoyed the show, but was it just me or were people constantly getting up to get drinks/make brown/etc.?

Just enjoying the idea that they probably only programmed two words into that iteration of droid: "gonk" and "no!"

It's an Alien Vs. Predator reboot!

It's certainly a touch too long and has exceptionally clunky bits, but dammit, I tear up when Kong falls to his death. If there's one thing Peter Jackson excels at, it's imbuing his monsters with soul.

Spader-Man and his Amazing Friends

Is that the moral of the Saw franchise?

"Uh yeah…I was wondering do you, er uh, what's your policy on uh…lunch?"

They've been known to!