
maybe like the password doesnt want to be a password he wants to be a username so he goes on an adventure and learns to be a good password with lots of special characters and stuff and kids learn how to do passwords good.

Unlock the magic, unlock the mystery - this December, in Unlock Screen: the Movie

Isn't this just a total rip-off of the Have A Nice Day movie from the '70s?

And what was the budget? If it was north of 50 million, which it must have been, then yea that's a giant bomb

shhh you

Somebody made a "sincere" movie version of Dark Dungeons in 2014. ie, It was a faithful adaptation, but the absurdity of it all came through into the film version, as the filmmakers intended. It's apparently a popular recent b-movie.

Sure, but wouldn't that also take months? You'd have to go all the way around Alaska

It doesn't really make sense that the boat guy is there. I mean, even if he knew to go straight to Malibu, the last we saw him he was outside of Miami. Well, I highly doubt the Panama Canal is still in operation, and even if it was, could it really be operated by only a few people? So he what, sailed around the

Watch "Elvis Meets Nixon" instead. Very funny, with a few poignant moments:

I'm pretty sure that Pixies picture was from Bowie's 50th birthday concert at MSG - That was a great show, and I can tell my kids I saw him play once. Between this and Nimoy, it's been a rough year for icons.

Oh I gotcha now

I'm not sure I follow… I saw a game I was interested in, then had to tab out to find out I couldn't play it, then proceeded to the next entry. Annoying and breaks reading flow. But I didn't skip the article…If there was something up at the top of an article that indicated the platform, then yea I could just skip the

Yup, I burned a few pizzas due to Rocket League-induced dyschronia

The end of Portal 2 is one of the greatest accomplishments in gaming. The way it doesn't hold your hand, trusts that you have been following the story so far, and then, in that moment at the end when you realize what you are supposed to do, you chuckle to yourself and think "no…they don't mean I

I had the complete opposite experience with Oblivion. Late-ish in the game, I crafted a long-lasting invisiblility spell and basically strolled through to the end with no opposition. Even the end boss seems to not be able to deal with it.

If you like soccer and video games, can I just add: Rocket LEAAAAAAAAAAGUE!

AWRIGHT here's my must-play list:

Guys: when you write an article like this, say what platforms each game is available for! It's annoying to see an interesting looking game only to see it's not on Steam and oh its only for the WiiU. Why do no game journalists do this??

They generally just stay in the one quadrant.

Does the MF even have escape pods? It's practically an escape pod itself…