Jacob Flowers

Yeah, I mean, this is a guy who routinely, whenever he’s interviewed or brought on a show to talk about his policy goals, refers to all Americans as “brothers and sisters.” And from the other side of the equation, it just baffles me that anyone can look at Bernie and think, “Yeah, that’s a cult of personality.” I

This was an awesome story. I may not always 100% agree with what you’re saying... but I respect how you say it and love reading your work. And I’d like to think that we align ideologically enough that most of the time we do agree on the basics.

I grew up in Erie, and my father has been an executive board member at UE 506 for a long time. Before the strike stuff hit, I similarly worried about what impact Bernie would have on a crowded primary. But now I say, fuck it. This dude really gives a shit about something that really matters. Wabtec can absolutely make

‘Purity of spirit.' I think that may be what makes him such a compelling speaker.  That, and what he says making so much damn sense.

That’s all Sanders. Sanders and Sanders alone has the bonafides, idealism, pragmatism, and ‘star’ quality.

Bernie’s too old. The Democratic party needs fresh, new leadership. Like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

Tulsi Gabbard.

Here is what Bernie Sanders should do: endorse a Democratic presidential candidate who will best carry on his own ideas. I don’t really give a damn who it is. Warren, or Kamala Harris, or Sherrod Brown, or whoever

“purity BS” is such a dumb fucking way to talk about having a coherent ideology

Sad Jimmy Carter.

Ageist bullshit is neither “perfect” nor “true”.

>Alternately, Bernie himself could run for president. What would this accomplish?

There’s an easy middle solution here. Bernie runs, but quickly brings on a Vice President who shares his principles and devotion while being considerably younger. He makes it clear that they are a team, and if he becomes too ill to stay in office he will resign and let him/her succeed to carry on.

What utter, inflammatory nonsense. After a career of fighting consistently for the same issues for decades, we are now debasing him by concluding that he thinks minorities are outside the fold?