@38thsignal: Legos are my number one reason to have children.
@38thsignal: Legos are my number one reason to have children.
Perhaps he can use the egg and light to teach him something about distortion and levels in audio recording.
Does anybody else see red, blue, and green "pixels" at night when they stare at the ceiling?
Alan Henry, you gotta talk to some of the Gawker people about University of Phoenix.
@Susan B. Awesome: Mmm....stomach butter.
@hoocli: That's because people in Canada have nothing better to do than watch movies on Netflix.
With all the different available forms of energy we have now, the idea that cold fusion could "solve" some kind of energy problem is hilarious. It would just stagnate and people would be exploited anyway.
@Philip.J.Fry: It sounds like they locked the dogs inside, but still managed to open windows and things. It's terrible because the dogs were probably the smartest of the family.
@T-Will: The movie about Keanu Reeves playing an unfulfilled Mr. Anderson, going to work sometimes, sleeping in, playing on his computer?
@xaronax: It sucks for the family, but I say making fun of this kid is fair game. He is an idiot and he killed three dogs.
@MegaShark: The dog ate it.
@wjglenn: "the film"
@lashermania: I think your comment was awesome.
@rossismyname: There was a bit on the news about the snow up in the northeast where a guy literally said he was renting a car and driving thirteen hours rather than stay in the terminal.
@wheelx: Han: Just pause it. Just let it load.
@Way to go, Nuffle: Even if that made sense, there was about two hours of that movie that was just shots of the ship spinning through space to the Blue Danube Waltz. So it would still have been a really long movie.
@Bramsey89: How old are you?
@Orms-by-Gore: They won't even process your order on Sunday. You could order it Saturday night and not get it til Tuesday. You're screwed, Doc.
@DJKGinHD: Did you think this was going to be about something else?
I don't think this was at all good, but it's good enough that it could appear on any number of tv channels (and outperform the stuff they show now).