
@killah101: "Scientists Prove Cancer Isn't Real, Hospitals a Scam"

And so the spark is ignited for the West World / Jurassic Park mashup.

@Protonpax: You're not being serious.

@Zendax: Plus, spaghetti fuckin' rules.

@Alfisted: Lord, please guide the lost souls who are left behind by the Raptor.

@Ryushi: I only just noticed your profile picture. That is hilarious. Okay, back to the topic:

@Totenglocke42: You don't have to lie; a crook did put it there.

@wyldrose: I don't think someone that does those things would overdraft.

I don't know anything (at all) about Uncharted.

I think it would be cool if pausing just slowed everything down to 1/10 speed or something. Sort of like your guy is just trying to think for a second. So, no trips to the bathroom in the middle of a mission. That kinda thing.

@arionfrost: Is it right that the camera is not like a static floating one, but more like a handheld following you around thing?

@Ryushi: She had a GREEAAAAT ASSS.

@Gaston: I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get this game. Never played it before.

@mono_lisa: I've got a similar sample size of people that are exactly as you describe.

@BobTheCool: I don't get it...but I endorse it.