
@RedLineRage: Everytime someone criticizes this movie, people think it's because they didn't understand it. As if it's an at-all meaningful work.

@Tadashii: It didn't have a plot.

@Goodplann: Sorry, I meant to say The Prestige was okay.

@Goodplann: This was not just like The Prestige. The Prestige was good.

@Driver86: Frantically boring is exactly the right phrase. Same thing applies to Quantum of Solace. Ugh.

@hostile-17: Why didn't he just leave, right?

@ben1605: This is the first time I've ever gone to watch a clip on the internet and gotten the Not Available in Your Area message.

@jinlee: "Tell those humans if they try to send me ONE MORE bbm I'm gonna press the button. See if I won't, Charles. See if I won't do it."

@achilleselbow: Everytime there's a discovery in science or medicine or something, I always hope it's going to cause the apocalypse.

@lonewanderer: To be honest, I hate most "big" maps. Not outright, but most of the time what happens is that it takes longer to find the action than to actually do any fighting.

@Black Knight Rebel: No coins, no tokens. You pay, you go in and play everything.

@ChrisLovesSaw: I think that's really sad. I wish I had a good answer, but I know what would work for me doesn't work for everyone, or else people would just pay for games. More invasive garbage just makes me want to play something even less.

@lonewanderer: What do you mean about BC2? Is it going to have smaller maps or something?

@Baboonski: I disagree that purchasing a console is cheaper than upgrading a pc. It definitely can be, especially for those enthusiasts who want the fastest, newest stuff.

@-MasterDex-: You lost me at the part where you have to read something.

@rikarus: I'd like to see him get bit by the spider just one more time.

I don't know who's more annoying: The interviewer, Darren Aronofsky, or his scarf.