@WestwoodDenizen: When I was little, I got __own around by a pilot one time. He showed me this neat little __ick. It made me happy.
@WestwoodDenizen: When I was little, I got __own around by a pilot one time. He showed me this neat little __ick. It made me happy.
@jhinton.24: How do you simultaneously know they're doing a lot of these, and not know what's going on?
@Olenmonkey: A lot of planes going through your house, are there?
I have trouble delegating because it feels unnatural to ask someone else to do something, and because there are not many people I trust to do something for me.
@FrancesTheMute: It was an option on the H2, but you had to pay for the puppy yourself.
@Dragonis: I've actually only seen two that didn't charge, and one was a truck stop. (United States)
@eshotwell: Har. har. har.
@Jacobm001: Are you being serious or joking?
@mobiusuk: That's terrible. Hope that gets reversed soon.
@mobiusuk: That's illegal, right? The parents going to sue I hope.
That K-9 and Company still showed up on google image search earlier today when I searched "drunk robot."
@sugardeath: So the moral is, never tell anyone you know how to lockpick unless she's cute.
As someone who has juggled my way into locked doors several times, I find the first paragraph offensive.
@sugardeath: Have you read the comments? Anytime someone brings up something cool, everyone jumps in to say they've known how to do this since forever.
@leulu1: That sounds pretty rad.
Wouldn't we all just end up the same then? For this to work?
@MegaShark: Oh, Jesus. I totally see the hammer now. The pink one should have tipped me off.
@stifflittlefinger: Is that a banana?
@Rhapsodos: Some people I know barely know how to open Firefox. They know it's there, and it opens somehow, but it's like magic.
@TheNobleRobot: I didn't mean for that to sound so negative. If people get the game because it's fun, I'm all for it.