If you say so bud
If you say so bud
But what do all of the Easter eggs mean?
Nobody asked u
WAIT WHOA THE LEFT CORNER SAYs “LAST: 07.57". There’s no way... And the Upper right corner says “Best: 8.15".
Does the best time say 9.1 or 8.1?
It will come with a passenger seat. How do I know this? Check the upper corners of the performance pages. You will see climate control temperatureS. This means heat control for two people, likely implying that there will be a comfort package.
Never mind I see that’s the braking distance when you’re going 128 mph.
And why does it say braking distance is down 220ft from 128mi(les)?
Why is 115F between 160F and 320F? That number was put there. What does it mean?
And why are they different colors? Unless they wanted us to notice it.
And another thing. There is no way that 1.5 second reaction time is a random number. (+)1.5(Seconds) means something.
10.5 is the ET. Take a look at the reaction time. Given an absolute perfect launch it might do 9 seconds.
Maybe that’s the years of a certain model car Dodge made 68' to 71'.
They are making what you’re thinking of. The giulia and the giulia ti.