monster hunter generations ?
monster hunter generations ?
I feel like there’s lost potential where the psyco ring could’ve been the triforce or something.
Has The Binding of Isaac been announced for the switch? If it’s afterbirth +then I have a huge reason to buy a switch for that game and Breath of the Wild.
My backlog of shows to watch is huge, but all I’m currently watching is Drifters and JoJo part 4, which is finally over.
Go watch Drifters, it’s amazing so far and you’ll love it if you liked hellsing at all.
Other M is a sequel, of super metroid. Also a prequel to metroid fusion meaning it’s a midquel.
But you can’t watch it if you aren’t a berserk fan or have read/seen the golden age arc and the animation really is garbage even when compared to other shows with CGI.