You're 12 months late and an idiot, who ever said i graduated high school dumbass
You're 12 months late and an idiot, who ever said i graduated high school dumbass
You're absolutely right that ONE particular clip is not funny. But neither was "Ladybugs" but Dangerfield is still one of the greats. Go to Youtube, type in Fat Jew Reel… if you want to see what he's about. Or type in Fat Jew Interview or type in Fat Jew The SkinNY or Bottle Poppaz. You can figure it out from there.
So even if him getting signed is based on his merit, original ideas and branding instincts, him telling a joke that someone else told, improving upon it with a hilarious caption and then posting it to a community that is literally based around sharing and reposting is leaving your butt sore. Next time you tell a joke…
Haha, nice (read: really weak) try - but next time do your research. Fat Jew writes a ton of original content - go look it up, and it's actually insanely hysterical. So are his interviews and videos. And they're completely original. And I've met him and he's literally one of the funniest people I've ever met. And I…
No, he's making money off of his own jokes. Go and watch any of his interviews, video content or his long form blog posts. But nice try.
You should listen to Fat Jew's Beats 1 radio show, read his long form content, or watch any of his videos. The jokes he makes up on the spot and his general humor is funnier than any of these comedians anyway. And I bet if they stole (aka RETOLD his jokes) he probably wouldn't whine about it like these nancys.