
Arya is going to kill Littlefinger on behalf of Sansa.

There's only one 'gift' he's bringing back to Cersi. Tyrion.

Well, Little Finger is not long for the living. As soon as Arya gets to Winterfell Sansa will give the word & he will be gone. And Tyrion should watch out…Euron is coming for his gift.

At Sansa's request.

The books are indeed horrible. They read like a 10 yr old wrote them. On the other hand "The Passage" trilogy is very good & well written.

I wish someone could tell me why exactly all those apes were on top of that tower in the cold in the first place. It made zero sense other than to give Caesar & Koba a cinematic place to fight. Ugh.

"The 80s weren't really that 80s at the time. Like Kelly said, most of these people probably got their outfits from watching movies, and their attitudes too."

Thank you Steven Wright.

Given the real life examples of people hacking others in this exact same way, this episode was pretty frightening. There have been several instances where people have indeed been caught in compromising positions via their laptop cam and then if the crooks didn't get their ransom money they would send it every single

Great episode. Pure joy. And there is so little of that in this world. When I die, I want to go to San Junipero. Oh and great ending song. Perfect.

"Of course I believe you. I'm just as crazy as you are."

Well, "DR. Von Hagen" needed a bit of time to build, test & deploy another dimensional transport machine all by himself from scratch. lol

How about the people who 'departed' while aboard airplanes in flight? Or on trains. Or..

I liked season 1 as well for the same reason you stated. And it seemed much more grounded in the real world. Albeit a 'real world' where a one-off unexplained / supernatural event occurs. No trips to imagination land where cloned assassins are running around & giant inter-dimensional machines are there for people to

So Carrie Coon is Jodie Foster in "Contact". But instead of going to an Alien world to visit with dear old dad, via a machine that sends her through a wormhole, she went to the other place (dimension) via a machine where the 'departed' & her family went. No one believed Jodie either when she told her story after she

Kevin blew up imagination land.


Most of the people here are not complaining about it. So a comment section is only for people who fawn all over the show? Don't share someone's opinion? Here a hint..Don't read it.


How about Verdi, Strauss, Messiaen & Britten? I am certain you will need to look those people up, since your ignorance is simply astounding (most likely due in large part to your prejudice).